Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Professional Development Plan

Furthermore it will discuss techniques widely utilized include multiple association memberships, advanced/continuing education courses, and association with and In both student and professional resource groups. This paper will Identify and discuss two professional membership organizations and explain why each would be beneficial as a psychology professional. It will also identify and discuss one potential resource to utilize as a networking element and explain the steps to realize the opportunity so presented.Lastly this paper will evaluate and discuss the benefits resented by networking among such groups and how they might support vocational goals and objectives. Introduction took an undergraduate class called Positive Psychology and it empowered me more than I thought it would. One supplemental book that was used: Strength Finders 2. 0 (Rata, 2007). Not only did it put me In the right mind-set but it also allowed me to make the right decision career-wise. I was trying to decide whe ther or not to pursue a MS or M. A. In Psychology. After reading Rates book and applying It to my personal life, I finally stuck to what was in my heart; counseling.No coursework actually influenced me to pursue a Masters in Psychology degree. I was attending Morehouse College attempting to pursue Pre-Med Biology and was required to take a few psychology classes, after having a deeper understanding of what psychology was, I was hooked and changed my major. My passion for helping individuals has directly and indirectly influenced the career field I'm pursuing. It has always been a passion of mine to help youth. As I became older and matured in life over the years, Eve been able to direct what I want to do In life In a more concrete direction.I started from mating to be a pediatrician, because I wanted to help kids, to now in the process of becoming a therapist, still helping kids. At 29, I'm still learning that I don't know as much as I think I do. Eve learned that in order to be the best at what I'm trying to do, I need to apply myself much more than I'm doing now. The various theories Eve covered thus far has given me a greater outlook on the past and what the future can be. Everything that I'm learning can be used in some aspect and I won't fully know the extent of what I've learned until I have to use it in practical application career- sis.I'm learning to be thoughtful and respectful of theories and Ideas that do not appeal to me or that I don't agree with. When It comes to Interest, goals and values, It is something that I do not compromise on, especially my values. I use to work at a 1 OFF plan and come up with something that will help them start the process of discharging in the future. Kind of like a therapist but without the therapy part and licensee aspect. I have clients ask me things, ask for things and tell me thing that are far from my values. What I have to remember is that, â€Å"I'm not here to teach my ales, I'm here to make transformationsà ¢â‚¬ .It's hard sometimes because I'm dealing with clients from all walks of life and they've been through hell and back. What it does for me is allow me to appreciate the values that I do have that have allowed me to make it to where I am now. Goal wise, the field that I am in now is where I want to be for the rest of my life. As I stated before, I initially began with wanting to be a pediatrician but as reality set in for me I decided that I can still â€Å"help† people but Just in a different facet, that being through psychology.The things Eve learned over the ears and the experiences Eve have, whether positive or negative are all â€Å"tools† that Eve acquired that will allow me to help others reach and overcome the issues that they may be struggling with. That is why I love working with youth because I seem to relate to them and I can interact with them on a level that is not belittling or degrading. The overused click â€Å"The Children Are Our Future†, i s something that I take seriously and that is why I love doing what I do and I will continue to fine tune my craft and gift that I believe was given to me for a reason.Different Occupations There are a plethora of occupations within psychology that are regulated by state licensee and certification but for the purpose of this paper only two will be addressed; clinical and counseling. Clinical Psychologist This area includes interviewing, observation and testing; all clinical psychologists need to be thoroughly trained in this area and should be able to choose the correct type of testing/method when conducting this with the client.They test such things as intellect, cognitive processes, and social functioning along with this, being able to interpret the test is also essential to clinical psychologist. As well as being able to conduct test, a major role also includes the ability to diagnosis using multiple models. Giving the client the inner strength to acclimatize themselves to change and gain a sense of power in everyday living. The ability to implement and conduct different programs both basic and applied. This is a fundamental function of clinical psychologist in both clinical and academic formats.Working with peers who work with clients, interacting with peers, contributing their services for the bettering of the program, and obtaining supervision. Clinical psychologists have a skill set which revises a much needed service to society. They use it by practicing, creating and evaluating applied and scientific skills (Avails & Hoses, 1996). Specific requirements for a Master's Level Program An individual with a master's degree cannot call themselves Psychologists because they have not obtained the degree level (Ph. D or Sys. D) to have that title.Those at the master's level can only call themselves clinicians or therapist. This is granted only after successively completing an accredited master's level program then passing the exam to become licensed in a partic ular state(s). After taking the exam they will take individuals stop at this level for various reasons such as not wanting to go back to school for the doctoral level degree, their Job does not require a higher level of education than the LCP/ALP, or they feel comfortable at the level of credentials and education they currently hold.There are plenty of careers for therapist/clinicians just in the master's level such as academics, counseling centers, independent practice, human service agencies, hospitals, medical centers, and business/industries (Sternberg, 2007) position it depends on the direction an individual wants to take. Specific requirements for a Doctoral Level Program Obtaining a Ph. D or Sys. D is a slightly different route that requires more years of education and allows you the option to become a psychologist or psychiatrist. There are only a couple of states that allow you to prescribe medication as a psychologist.Many individuals take this route because of the higher level it allows one to begin at, others for the particular specialized area of career one decides to get in. These individuals are held to a higher level of standard and their expectations are also higher due to the lengthy amount of education and experience they bring. In a study one at Rutgers University they found that â€Å"A greater number of Ph. D. Alumni received â€Å"other honors and awards,† and Sys. D. Graduates did not out- perform Ph. D†( Bond, 2010). The study in itself, although Just one study, shows that the only difference lies in the choice that an individual wants to take.There are few differences in the Ph. D and the Sys. D but the main question is what direction you want career moving toward. Most Ph. D programs focus more on research while most Sys. D programs prepare for psychology practice (Translators, 2011). Vail Model The Vail Model formed in 1973 in Vail, Colorado at a conference because of the ongoing levels of disagreement from the Boulder conference. The supporters at the Vail conference believed that psychology was broad enough to have another designator other than the Ph. D (Norris & Castle, 2002).They suggested that there should be a difference between practitioners and scientist so they formed what we now know as Sys. D. Unlike the PDP. D program, the Sys. D could be housed in one of three different settings: (1) University Departments (2) University Professional Schools and (3) Freestanding Institutions (Norris & Castle, 2002). Boulder Model The Boulder Model was founded in 1949 at a clinical psychology conference in Boulder, Colorado. The purpose of the conference was to provide training and was the first of its kind.Duality was given to clinical psychologist as â€Å"scientist- practitioners† (Norris & Castle, 2002). Two other milestones were crossed; (1) the required degree established was the Ph. D and (2) they wanted the training to be within the department and not a stand-alone establishment (Norri s & Castle, 2002). Personal Strengths and Weakness Many of my strengths come from personal experiences and workplace experiences because many of the Jobs Eve held and many of the areas in which Eve volunteered in ere of the mental health aspect or dealt with community services and counseling.My outgoing personality and willingness to go out on a limb for my fellow man is a huge strength of mine. I'm able to empathic with other peoples' emotions and experiences. This aspect allows me to quickly and honestly build a rapport with those who I am working with. Some of my weaknesses are the field itself. I'm a rookie and stubbornness to accept new ideas which are outside of my personal beliefs. Let me say that I love learning new things that will further enhance and expound my reversion but I know that for me personally, other ideas outside of what I feel comfortable with, is an area that I struggle in.This is something that I know I would need to work on because it could hinder my abilit y to learn things beneficial to me. Techniques and Growth The American Psychological Association and the American Counseling Association are just two of the many outlets that are available. These organizations hold conferences and publish material to provide resources to those in the profession. Graduate and post-graduate schools are also a good resource because of the seasoned staff, arums, mini conferences, and meetings related to those in the profession.It is also good to become involved in various organizations to assist with networking and gaining knowledge. Summary and Conclusion I feel blessed to have taken this course and to be apart such a growing field which changes the lives of so many people each day. I am learning much and I will always reflect on what Eve learned in this course and future ones as well. Each day I'm continuing to take what Eve learned and apply it to my personal everyday life. The enjoyment Eve experienced and the trials Eve been able to overcome are a direct exult of this course and other.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

About Tjx Assignment

1. List and describe the security controls in place within TJX Companies. Ans: When security upgrades are made available, it’s because they’re necessary, not because software developers have thought up some great new software gimmick. Hackers are able to bypass the old systems too easily, so better security is needed to keep the hackers out. TJX ignored the need for better e-security, and even neglected to install one particular upgrade they had purchased. 2. What management, organization, and technology factors contributed to these weaknesses? Ans: Management: While one may not think of it as a weakness, the management’s reluctance to report the stolen laptop and the contents of the hard drive contributed to the difficulty in finding the laptop before the data was compromised. Organizations: VA operations should have limited the data accessible to the employees to only the data needed in order to effectively do this job. Lack of promoting the sensitivity of the data led to a careless attitude regarding the protection of the data. Technological: At a minimum the data should have been encrypted and password protected. As a practical measure, the laptop should have been protected at the BIOS level if that sensitivity of data was contained. 3. What was the business impact of TJX’s data loss on TJX, consumers, and banks? Ans: TJX faces consumer and bank class action lawsuits over the exposure of as many as 100m customer records as the result of a security breach that lasted for two distinct six-month periods between 2003 and December 2006. Hackers broke into a system that stored data on credit card, debit card, cheque, and return details in an attack blamed on a poorly secured wireless network in one of its stores. Subsequent credit card frauds have been traced to data swiped as a result of these breaches, and a number of arrests have been made. 4. How effectively did TJX deal with these problems? Ans: Not well enough. The $40. 9 million fund for the banks won’t nearly cover he banks’ losses, and I see too little info in the report about what exactly TJX is doing to prevent this from happening again. I see money being thrown at the problem, but management doesn’t seem to have a clear picture of a real solution. 5. Who should be held liable for the losses caused by the use of fraudulent credit cards in this case? TJX? The banks issuing the credit cards? The consumers? Justify you answer. Ans: Obviously TJX is responsible – their negligent behavior that made them vulnerable to the attacks. The banks and consumers can’t be held responsible – especially the consumers! If consumers were held responsible for attacks like this, we’d do away with credit cards, keep our money under our mattresses, and go back to making our own clothes and food and entertaining ourselves by telling each other stories as people did centuries ago! Then where would the banks and credit card companies be? That’s probably extreme, but so is expecting a shopper to pay for a huge corporation’s negligence and a hacker’s crime.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Cancer and Reproducibility of Decisions

Cancer and Reproducibility of Decisions Ur ologic ca n cer : W h a t a bo u t re p r odu c ib i l i ty of d ec i s ion m a de a t m ultidi sci plin a r y t e a m m a n a g e m e nt? BAYOUD Y, LOOCK PY, MENARD J, MESSAOUDI R, RIPERT T, PIERREVELCIN J, KOZAL S, LEON P, KAMDOUM M, CHOLET I, LARRE S . Â   Abstract: I nt r odu c t i on : The prostate cancer (PCa) treatment is multimodal. Thus multidisciplinary team management (MDTM) decision-making process appears as a tool to answer all aspects of PCa. To evaluate the reproducibility of therapeutic decisions made at MDTM. M a t erials a n d M e thod s : We compared therapeutic decisions of PCa by presenting the same file of patient under a fake identity after 6 to 12 months from the first presentation. Forty-nine files of radical prostatectomy (RP) (28 pT2, 21 pT3) performed for clinical localized PCa were represented at MDTM which included urologist, oncologist, pathologist and radiologist. Analysis of therapeutic decisions comprised criteria as: TNM stage, Gleason score, margin status and comorbidities. The reproducibility was assessed statistically by Kappa coefficient. R es u l t s: Forty-nine file of radical prostatectomy (RP). The mean age was similar in both groups. The mean PSA was 8,32 ng/ ml (3,56-19,5) in pT2 group and 9.4ng/ml (3,8-22) in pT3 group. The margin status was positive in 25% and 47,6% respectively in pT2 and pT3 group. Decision made for pT2 group were the same in 100% case (k=1). In the group of pT3 (n=21), 33% of decision were different at second MDTM, especially for pT3b with only 29% reproducible decision (k= 0,1). Concerning pT3a, 86% of decision were reproducible (k= 0,74). Con cl u s i on : We showed a reliability and reproducibility of decision made at MDTM when guidelines are well defined. The therapeutic attitudes were less reproducible in locally advanced PCa but decision concerning those cases should be made in the setting of guidelines. K e y w o r d s : Cancer, Kappa coefficient, Prostate , multidisciplinary, Reproducibility. INTRODUCTION: The prostate cancer (PCa) is the most frequent cancer in men as well in Europe and USA (1). The PCa counts for 11% of all men cancers and it’s responsible for 9% of the mortality by cancer in men in Europe. In France in 2010, the incidence of PCa was 71577 cases and the related mortality of PCa at the same year was 8791 deaths which represent a 2.5% less mortality per year during last years (2). The multidisciplinary team management becomes an obligation for all oncologic fields as mentioned by the French government law: cancer program 2003-2007, this program stipulate that each new patient should benefit from MDTM decision-making process, organize the setting of MDTM and also gives tools to develop trials of research for a new diagnosis and therapeutic arsenal (3). Some urologists express some doubt about the interest of MDTM because of it’s a new burden without assigned budget while others see in the MDTM an equalit y of chance of patients, and possibility to include patients in trials and protocols. Number of European study showed the interest of MDTM and its beneficial impact on survival (4, 5). The efficiency of decisions made at MDTM is obvious but the evidence about their reproducibility remains doubtful. Through patients underwent a radical prostatectomy (RP) for localized prostate cancer (PCa) and represented identically, we evaluated a reproducibility of decision made at MDTM.

The View on Relationships Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The View on Relationships - Essay Example And those are party or bar and sexual activity. Let me just clarify what sexual activity is in hook ups, it may be as simple as making out to sexual intercourse. There are several studies that focus on how the hook up culture impacts the sexual behavior of adolescents. Findings vary from hook up culture being prevalent in colleges, like a sort of baptismal ritual of college freshmen as this is more commonly found in freshmen, to the culture being limited in a certain group of people (Wade & Heldman, pp. 128-145; Regnerus & Uecker, ch.4). But what is common in the studies is that the hook up culture is a reversal of script with regards to building a romantic relationship. Before, a relationship starts with dating. Two interested people date each with the hopes of establishing a connection. With this script, the relationship is built on intimacy and emotional attachment. With the hook up culture, it starts with the hook up, usually based on physical or sexual relations. There are no ob ligations for both parties to continue on with building a relationship although both parties may be interested in dating afterwards. This shows how impersonal the hook up culture is. There is no intimate connection that is created between the involved parties. What happens is they hook up, and they part the next day. They may not see each other, talk to each other, or send email or SMS. It was a simple hook up and there is nothing more to it. But if they meet again, and still interested in each other they may go home together and have sex. It was as easy as that. But this setup actually makes things more complicated. Because of its impersonal nature, it degrades the value of relationships. And of the people involved in the hook up. It is even more dangerous for women than men since social values still place greater value on how a woman should be subordinate or should act in a proper or traditional manner compared to men. If a woman hooks up with several men, even if she is not neces sarily sleeping around with them, she may still be perceived as promiscuous, or worst she may be called a bitch or a whore. Men are more immune to these perceptions although there are still men who attract negative criticism when they hook up with several women. They may be perceived as men who cannot be trusted to be in a relationship. Because of these results, the hook up culture does not seem to be very attractive. Who wants to be called a bitch or a whore or a playboy with no concept of intimacy or love? It can destroy one’s self-esteem. And this is exactly what happens to the women and men involved in hook up cultures. Since there is no intimacy involved within the hook up culture, it demoralizes relationship and sex. There are three things that people usually look for in sex, meaningfulness, empowerment and pleasure. But the hook up culture distorts it. According to Wade and Heldman’s study (pp.140 – 144), the men and women they interviewed felt that their hook up sex was meaningless. Since there was no connection whatsoever, the sex was merely an action. It does not symbolize anything aside from the act of having sex. Those who were involved in the hook up culture wanted to have meaning when they have sex with someone. It doesn’t necessarily mean love. What they were looking for was some kind of bond that they can share. A connection wherein they can they are

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Risk & Risk Managment in ERP Systems of Microsoft dynamics GP Essay

Risk & Risk Managment in ERP Systems of Microsoft dynamics GP - Essay Example The system is beneficial to an organization because it performs a wide range of activities (Sumner, 2000). However, application and implementation of the enterprise resource planning system face various risks in organizations. Therefore, proper management of risk is vital for effective use and implementation of the ERP management system. Risk management is essential for the identification of possible risks that may affect the ERP system, strategic planning for activities with few risks and efficient mitigation of risks. The risk management process comprises of several phases as highlighted by Aloini et al. (2007). These stages include context analysis, identification of possible risks, risk analysis, risk evaluation, treatment of risk and communication and consultancy. According to Sumner (2000), there are various predominant risk factors that face organizations during the implementation and execution of activities using the enterprise resource planning system. Major risk factors identified during implementation of the ERP system include skill mix, software system design, management strategy and structure, organizational fit, user training and involvement, social commitment, project management and technology planning. Findings from research carried out on risk factors present in ERP systems reveal that organizations face several risks. The first risk factor identified is failure to redesign effectively or restructure business processes to fit the ERP software. Project managers in the organization apply their experience to avoid customization. Failure to customize of restructuring various business processes in the organization results in a conflict between the ERP system and the company. Consequently, the project executed may collapse and fail to achieve its objective. Secondly, organizations face a risk factor of having insufficient reskilling and

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The Effects of Class Size on Academic Achievement Essay

The Effects of Class Size on Academic Achievement - Essay Example According to the study the number of teachers employed would also increase necessitating more income, hence reducing teacher-to-student ratio. Dynarsky, Hyman, & Schanzenbach, states that reduction in the class size increases the rate of class attendance by the students. The higher the number of students that attend classes, the higher the academic achievement since many students would eventually graduate and move to the next level. This increment in academic achievement was more significant in some courses that experience high dropouts such as engineering, mathematics, technology, economics, and business studies. From this study it is clear that smaller class size ensures better and closer relationship between the students and the teachers. This close relationship ensures proper understanding of the syllabus for the students, hence better academic achievement, and it also increases students’ understanding in the studies. Small class size has more influence on the academic achievement of young children who may not be able to learn on their own and constantly require teachers’ guidance. Teachers also finds it much easier to understand better and to recognize their students’ strength and weakness and work towards improving their academic achievement. Moreover, large class size, especially in high school has an advantage in being lively owing to there being diverse characters full of fun, high energy, and always exciting. The class is never boring and seems to be a motivation with many students willing to participate. It eventually encourages both teachers and students always to attend classes and hence reducing absenteeism

Friday, July 26, 2019

Chest Pain Clinical Examination Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Chest Pain Clinical Examination - Essay Example This can be done mainly through eliciting the history in fair detail. As a nurse practitioner in the community, I will be facing many cases of chest pain. Recently I had to manage such a case and I believe that the experience has equipped me with confidence. I adopted a structured approach to evaluate the case and progress through a mental checklist for eliciting the essential historical details (Reigle, 2005). The collected relevant data helped the decision- making and subsequent management. Case Presentation Respecting the confidentiality and privacy of the patient, I met her in the emergency department where I was working. With her consent, as she was conscious and answering, I elicited the history of the chest pain from Mrs John. Mrs John, 81 years old and weighing 85 kg., had been brought to the Emergency Department by her son. I followed the mnemonic TROCAR for eliciting the history of the presenting complaint of chest pain. She had a sudden but mild chest pain while she was in bed. Time of onset was when she woke up with it at 6a.m. and first dismissed it as indigestion. As it was not giving way after her antacid liquid, she called her son. Also experiencing shortness of breath, the duration of pain had lasted for the past forty minutes. Mrs. John had fatigue since the previous night, something she was not accustomed to. Radiation of the left-sided chest pain was to the back. Onset was sudden. The character of the pain was a dull aching sensation. There was no particular aggravation or relief. The severity remained constant as a dull pain. It was a left sided chest pain. The excessive sweating worsened her fatigue. She was reluctant to go to hospital but her son insisted on it. She had then been brought to my department where I was on duty. Past History revealed that she had been a hypertensive on treatment for the past twenty years. There was a history of irregularity in treatment at times. The mild senile dementia with partial loss of memory that the l ady suffered from was the cause of the irregular treatment. Now her son was in charge of giving her the medicine. She became diabetic fifteen years ago and was on oral anti-diabetics since then. Seven years ago she had a fall injuring her left trochanter which was managed accordingly. She now walks with a limp. There was no history of allergies but she had been taking antacids on and off presumably for acid-peptic disease. Smoking was not her weakness and she had not travelled for a long time. Before retirement she was working as a personal secretary in an industrial concern. Family history revealed that two brothers had died of myocardial infarction but at a later age of around 85 years. Obesity was in the family too. Mrs. John’s mother had diabetes and died of renal failure. Nursing care plan This has been elaborated upon the mnemonic ADPIE (assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation and evaluation). Assessment On inspection, obviously obese Mrs. John appeared dyspnoei c taking short breaths with the respiratory rate being 28 per minute but regular. Her heart rate was 90 per minute and irregular at times due to ectopic beats. Her supine blood pressure was 200/120mm Hg. Palpation of abdomen did not reveal any abnormalities. Percussion ruled out fluid in the chest or abdomen. Auscultation elicited an irregular heart and tachypnea. During the general physical examination, I enumerated and eliminated non-cardiac causes; her symptom details helped me to distinguish her illness

Thursday, July 25, 2019

OSHA Citations & Penalties Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

OSHA Citations & Penalties - Essay Example Other Than Serious Violation is issued in occurrence of a directly related violation to work safety and health that cannot lead to death or severe injuries to an employee. In the case of Willful violation, it is issued to employers found having intentionally defiled the Act or knowingly assumed an existing hazardous conditions and no whatsoever efforts of abating them (Goetsh, 2012). A Repeat violation citation, on the other hand, is issued if after re-inspecting a firm the violations found were observed during the previous inspection and a citation issued. Lastly, Failure to Correct Previous Violation is a defiance that may lead to civil penalties with increment upon delays past the abatement date. In each case, penalties are proposed and in some cases subject to reduction depending on the level of compliance demonstrated by the employer (Goetsh, 2012). However, this is not case with the Repeat Violation citation and Failure to Correct Previous Violation, unless the original citation is under

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

How are African -Americans Represented on the Screen and in the Media Essay

How are African -Americans Represented on the Screen and in the Media - Essay Example African Americans have achieved prominence in many fields in American, still the media for racial and psycho – political reasons; have historically failed to project a balanced perspective of the Black experience. Mainstream media has systematically under – represented African Americans in genre outside sports, music and comedy and over represented Blacks as criminal or indigents. It shows that Blacks are takers and burden for the society. The news media of America rarely publicize Black’s contribution to American serious business, making their image appear that of an irresponsible community. Television news tend to illustrate welfare and poverty by portraying urban Black rather than rural whites. As per (Entman 59)â€Å"In its reporting on poverty, television paints a Bosch- like – landscape of social disruption and danger in which the principal actors, mainly Black, are visually associated with poverty as threat†. In earlier movies, African Americ ans were depicted as slaves and servants. Politically Blacks are depicted as sources of disruption, as victims, or as complaining supplicants. American belief about Black is based on what they observe in movies, television, dramas, newspaper, radio and other medias. Sadly, media elites may have some incentive to represent Black in negative terms. They want to appeal white and to entertain them showing their privilege and white dominion in the society. In his book (Covington 98)writes that ,â€Å"Across a whole range of media, the Black people are held responsible for their won poverty and violence because their under value class cause their self – defeating behaviors†. Even the black women characters in many films get implicated in the violence of males, especially the black single mothers who raise their sons alone. Films depict black single mothers as incapable of raising children, thereby blaming them for the poverty and violence that pervades underclass communities . Movies represent black women as hedonistic and oversexed and routinely cast them as drug addicts and prostitutes. Clearly crime also has increasingly become a way to talk about race differences in Hollywood, political campaigns and news media. In his journal (Balkaran ) mentions that ,â€Å" As a result of the overwhelming media focus on crime, drug use, gang violence, and other forms of anti-social behavior among African-Americans, the media have fostered a distorted and pernicious public perception of African-Americans†. Black males are constantly portrayed as dangerous and assaulting and killing each other in gang fights or brawls as a way of achieving manhood. Black woman also have long been represented as masculinized in media and films. As per (Murarka) â€Å"African Americans portrayals in the media are often times based on negative stereotypes they do not accurately portray reality†. According to (Hall 90)â€Å"Media has portrayed African American men as vio lent, menacing, and dangerous, often time having very dark skin and overly exaggerated†. This is kind of color representation of African males enhances negative evaluation on all the African American males. The media and films have always socially alienated African Americans throughout American history. Media consistently shows Black American youth as gang bangers, drug dealers, misogynists and gold wearing criminal misfits. In 1980s television

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Industry Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Industry Analysis - Essay Example Other significant competitors in this segment include Polaris, BMW, and Triumph. Honda is the world’s biggest motorcycle producer, followed by Yamaha, and Suzuki. In the U.S., Harley has the biggest market share. Heavyweight Motorcycle Producer Approximate Worldwide Market share Ranking Honda 1st Yamaha 2nd Suzuki 3rd Harley-Davidson 4th Kawasaki 5th BMW 6th Polaris 7th Triumph 8th # 3 Strengths One of the prominent strengths of Harley-Davidson is the power of its brand. Harley-Davidson attracts a strong following from its loyal customers worldwide due to its commitment to the delivery of a unique experience. The ability of Harley-Davidson to deliver unforgettable experiences is the biggest attraction to Harley-Davidson customers worldwide. The engagement offers a platform to other stakeholders to experience Harley-Davidson lifestyle, environment, people, and products. In addition, Harley-Davidson strength also emanates from its strong after sales service, which is exhibited b y its â€Å"family† concept exhibited by Harley Owners Group (HOG). Harley-Davidson’s marketing efforts such as dealer promotions, customer events, and advertising have consolidated the company’s brand. ... Harley-Davidson derives a lot of strength for its customized products that appeal to the customer’s specifications. In offering a range of customized bikes, the company is assured of aligning its products with the prevailing consumer needs and expectations. The continuity of a unique culture of letting customers share their adventure and experience of the company’s products has made Harley-Davidson an American icon. Harley-Davidson initiatives such as building of a museum in Milwaukee in 2008 have pursued to build a unique experience that reinforces bonds between the company and the company. Weaknesses Harley-Davidson faces challenges in keeping in touch with an ever growing advancement in the design of motorcycles. Although Harley-Davidson motorcycles embody an innovative design and high performance, keeping up with an ever growing innovation by the competitors are challenging as the company has constantly invested in research and development (David, 2011). In addition , some of the prominent competitors of Harley-Davidson strategic alliance between Suzuki and Kawasaki in the fields of product development, design, engineering, and manufacturing may have heightened competition. Another weakness that befalls Harley-Davidson is competition from established heavyweight motorcycle dealers such as Honda, Suzuki, Kawasaki, and Yamaha. The heavyweight motorcycle market is highly competitive, especially from competitors based outside the United States. Most of Harley-Davidson competitors are diversified in the automotive market and other fields. The diversification reinforces the competitors’ operations while Harley-Davidson remains exposed to aspects such as economic

The Badja Essay Example for Free

The Badja Essay Introduction: The Badjao – which literally means fisherfolk or simply fishermen – is a group of indigenous people that are usually referred to as â€Å"Sea Gypsies,† making use of small wooden boats known locally as â€Å"vinta.† In their houseboats, also known as â€Å"Lepa† and â€Å"Pelang,† they usually carry all their belongings and valuables as they travel from one place to another. According to Dr. Pendatun I. Talib, Secretary General and Founder of the National Sama-Badjao Movement, Inc., and currently director of the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources-Regional Fisheries Training Center in the Zamboanga Peninsula, the children of the Badjao people feel more at home whenever they are aboard their vintas because of their ties with the sea – having been at the sea. Objectives: To know the Badjao’s way of living To know how they live in their current places To know their basic daily routine, traditions, beliefs, and practices Hypothesis: If I would continue my research about the badjao’s, then I would know their way of living. Significance of Study: If I would continue my research and studies about this, it would: Change not only my way but also other people’s way of treating the badjao people. Change my first impression on ethnic groups like the badjaos. Let me know the way how they live and how they kept alive their culture. Let me know the traditions, routines, practices, and beliefs of the badjao people. Conceptual Framework: Definition of Terms: Badjao in its origin simply means Man of the Seas â€Å"Vinta†, small wooden boats known locally. â€Å"Lepa† and â€Å"Pelang,† other term for houseboats. The patadjung/tadjong has many uses. Among the Badjao it is large enough to fit any person and is worn by both men and women as a skirt or gown tucked at the chest level.It can serve as putung (headcover), waistband, sash, blanket, hammock, shoulder bag, cradle, pouch, hood, or pillow. A simpay (band) forms the front opening and extends to the back from a small collar. The gallang (bracelet) is the most popular ornament. Lampblack is used to outline a rectangle on her forehead and this is emphasized by yellow ginger juice. The leleng is sung for any occasion, by anyone of any age. It is also sung for special occasions like weddings, haircuts, or circumcisions. Binoa is similarly chanted as the leleng. Igal or pangalay, performed by the female, is the basic traditional dance movement. Pag-Omboh – A ritual that traces its origin to the Pre-Islamic times, it is observed by the people who believe that performing it is necessary to ensure a sense of well being and to preserve the harmony between the material and spirit worlds. This practice is usually done when illness/death strikes the family. This misfortune is seen as a sign of the patient having offended or displeased a spirit; Pag-Jinn – It is an opportunity for the faith healers and shamans to commune with the spirit to help sustain and enhance their healing powers. It captures the depth of animism that is an integral part of the belief system of the people; Pag-Diwata – it is characterized by intense and frenetic ritual dancing to the tune of the Agong and Kulintang; Pag Tulak Balah – It is a water ritual of symbolic cleansing; Pagtimbang and Paggunting – The child is placed on a weighing scale traditionally made of a wooden pole with Patadjong, wherein ritual goods equal to his or her weight are placed. While the Paggunting is traditionally held to coincide with the Maulidin-Nabi, the day when the Holy Prophet Muhammad was born; Pag Tammat – One way to achieve this is through the Pangadji series of tutorials with the local guru or imam, who inculcates the importance of the Holy Qu’ran into the life of the learner; Pagkawin – A wedding begins with the Magpahanda, the formal presentation of a marriage proposal with a request for parental consent. The Mahal (dowry) is brought to the bride’s house. The marriage is solemnized with witnesses with duwa’a (prayer), hutbah nika (counseling), and ends with â€Å"pagbatal,† or when the groom touches the forehead of the bride with his thumb; System of Pag Kubol – The body is bathed amid prayers, it is then shrouded with a new white cloth followed by the Sambahayang Mayat (prayer) to be led by an Imam. Pagkubol must take place within 24 hours of death; Putikaan – Consulting the Putikaan for the auspicious time to set out for any activity or voyages ensures success; and, Hinang-Hinang (Barang) – An Spiritual Act that causes harm to other people using some needle materials, scissors, and egg, or maybe using some other objects.

Monday, July 22, 2019

High-Blood Pressure Essay Example for Free

High-Blood Pressure Essay In this particular essay, I am going to attempt to inform you about the disease called high blood pressure. In this three to four page report I will discuss what causes it, how it can be treated and when you know it is too high. Hopefully, after reading this piece, you will be more aware of what high blood pressure is. To begin with, the disorder or disease that I will be doing my report on is High blood pressure; also known as hypertension. The system that the disorder comes from is the cardiovascular system. The majority of times, there is no clear cause, which can be identified as the cause of the disorder. The clearest cause of why blood pressure is high is that the arteries that the blood flows through are too small. High blood pressure is most common in people whose families have had it; the same as heredity. It is also most common in males, patients who are over 35 years old, African-Americans and in women on oral contraceptives. High blood pressure is far more common in families where other members have had this condition. Even though sometimes it is a hereditary disorder, it is not always. For instance, while the incidence of high blood pressure is low in Japan, it is higher in Japanese who migrate to America. Cultural things that we do in America will affect the incidences of high blood pressure, these include: Being overweight, eating high sodium diet, exercising too little, and drinking more than two alcoholic drinks daily. Some of the symptoms include: Calcification, cardiac arrest, chest pain, depression, diabetes, dizziness, heart attack and shortness of breath. The disorder doesnt really progress within the system. If you have high blood pressure in one part of your system, it is most likely that you have high blood pressure in all of your system. Blood only comes from one place in your system, your heart. So if a little part of your body has high blood pressure, then every blood vessel in your body should have it as well. Some people think that only at a certain level of high blood pressure should be treated. Some people also think that the higher the blood pressure, the higher the risk of suffering one of its complications. People with hypertension are encouraged to: Maintain ideal body weight, reduce the consumption of sodium and maintain at least a modest exercise program. If  your blood pressure is too high, then medications may be taken to control it. Several readings are required to test whether or not you have high blood pressure. Generally, blood pressure is said to be too high at the level of 140/90, and some therapy should be started at this level. If after the therapy, the pressure is still too high, then you should start taking medications. You cant really tell when your blood pressure is too high. One of high blood pressures nicknames is silent killer because it can hurt you very bad even when you dont know you have it. The biggest problem with the treatment of high blood pressure is not a lack of knowledge, but a lack of applying our current knowledge. To help treat the disorder remember these key points: take your medications as prescribed, Get your medications filled before they run out, and follow-up with your doctor. There is a syndrome that people sometimes feel eerie about. This is called White Coat Syndrome. This is a situation where patients have a high blood pressure in the doctors office, but nowhere else. This is usually where when someone sees a doctor he or she starts to feel tense and irritated. This is not a terrible thing. If you have an occasional high blood pressure it is not as dangerous as when your blood pressure remains elevated all of the time. There is really no prevention of high blood pressure. It is mostly a hereditary trait passed down from a family member. The best bet that you have to prevent the disease is to maintain an ideal body weight, reduce your consumption of sodium and maintain at least a modest exercise program. Doing these things will not prevent it 100%, but they might help you out for the future. Some common causes of the disease are medications, habitual alcohol use, too much salt in the diet, obesity, stress and arteriosclerosis. In conclusion, I have summed up some pretty important topics in this composition. Some of the most important things that I learned are that some people dont even know when they have high blood pressure or not, what you can do to treat the disease, and what you can get it from. I think that after I have read learned all this about the disease, I will probably try to consume less sodium, maintain an ideal body weight and exercise fairly  regularly. By doing these everyday things I should be able to help myself from getting the disease.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Expansion difficulties with IKEA

Expansion difficulties with IKEA Cross Cultural Management Individual paper work Question: Although IKEA is a highly successful global player it has recently experienced problem in its expansion in Russia (Vasilyeva, 2009). Based on the material in Jackson (2002) discuss critically how IKEA has succeeded in instilling its Swedish ways of managing into its international subsidiaries, considering also whether cultural factors have any relevance to its current difficulties in Russia. Introduction: Before going in the question i.e. the problems IKEA is facing in Russia, we will discuss about IKEA, Sweden and IKEA in France, Germany, Spain and United States of America. Discussing about IKEA, we will know the history first, IKEA, as we all know is a Swedish company. It was started by Ingvar Kamprad in 1943, and since has grown to become worlds largest retailers of furnishing. IKEA got its name from the initials of four words, the first two from the name of the founder, Ingvar Kamprad. Making I and K, and the second two from the letters of Emltaryd and Agunnaryd, the farm and the village he grew up in. IKEA started by selling pens, wallets watches etc, but out of all the furniture it sold got the greatest response, so, it opened its first store in Sweden in 1958. And in Norway and in Denmark in 1963 and 1969 respectively. Culture: We will define the IKEAs and the Swedish culture based on Hofstedes four dimensions. The four dimensions are; Power distance Uncertainty avoidance Individualism and collectivism Masculinity and femininity. More or less the IKEA and the Swedish cultures and same, the simple reason being that IKEA is a Swedish company. Now according to the Hofstedes dimensions we can compare and tell about the cultures. We will start from the Power distance dimension, this dimension is about the distance between the employees and the managers of the company, in short, equal relations are also seen as normal in some cultures and even inequality is seen as normal in some. In Sweden, the managers and the organizational employees scored very low, i.e. there power distance is very low, they all are considered more or less equal. They scored 31 making it a follower of low power distance; where 104 is the maximum and 11 being the minimum. The second dimension we will talk about is Uncertainty avoidance, by Hofstedes definition and from the given case study (Jackson, 2002), it says that, this refers to a preference for structured situations versus unstructured situations. This dimension runs from being comfortable with flexibility and ambiguity to a need for extreme rigidity and situations with a high degree of certainty. Here again Sweden scored 29, which is low, compared to other countries like Spain and France scoring 86. 8 being minimum here and 112 being the maximum. Third in the list is Individualism and Collectivism, this factor or dimension is about the mentality or way of working of employees, that is, are they used to work as a individuals or as a group. This is again a important factor, which differentiates between the cultures. In this dimension Sweden scored 71, and here 6 being minimum and 91 being maximum. This means the Swedish culture is more individualistic. The fourth one is Masculinity and femininity, now again, according to the given case study, Hofstede (1980a) distinguishes ‘hard value‘ such as assertiveness and competition, and the ‘soft or ‘feminine values of personal relations, quality of life and caring about others, where in masculine society gender role differentiation is emphasized. So in this dimension, Sweden scored 5, which is the lowest and 95being the highest. This implies us that Swedish culture is a very feminine culture, that is they are very soft and caring kind of people. So to sum up all, we can say that Swedish culture is a low power distance, again low on uncertainty avoidance, high on individualism and a feminine culture. IKEA being a Swedish company fallows the similar culture, but, being a global player and having its existence in other different counties; it faced a lot of cultural differences. IKEA had an organizational culture similar to Swedish culture, but when it went to France or Spain or United States of America, it faced little problems there and a lot in Russia. Cultural Differences: A global player is a company which works worldwide; likewise, IKEA is a global player. It is a Swedish company and as talked about, its organizational culture is similar to the Swedish national culture. IKEA always wanted to maintain its unique ‘Swedishness. This was essential to maintain because it was there competitive advantage over other competitors and along with this, it wanted to adapt to the other different national cultures it was working in. Well that is the sign of the global player. IKEA fitted perfect in this. Over the years, IKEA spread its market mainly in Europe, North America, Middle East, Singapore, Hong Kong, Mainland China and Russia. Germany, France and Sweden were its single biggest markets. It has also recently taken over Habitat, another competitor in the UK and France. IKEAs international headquarters are in Almhult, a remote location in Sweden where only Swedish is spoken, this is the place where products are designed and all the important decisions are made. Well now before we speak of Cultural differences, we will discuss about the key IKEAN cultures. They believe that a person learns by doing mistakes, it is seen as a way of learning. They encourage practically solving the problems. The managers from IKEA generally expected to share the information they have, their knowledge and skills with the employees. Hence it states employees are also considered very important in the organization and are encouraged the work and are made feel responsible. The management style is seen very casual, informal, open and caring. Hierarchy system is almost flat, with three levels of responsibilities at the store level store managers and co-workers. Co- workers may be employees or associates. The managers do not give titles on their business cards. The bureaucratic approach and status barriers are disparaged and the managers are expected to be friendly, understanding and close with the employees. The employees are also provided with a small formal training. In this culture humbleness is not seen as weakness and learning from experiences, though it takes a lot of time and patience but is a condition for moving up the ladder. â€Å"Testaments of a Furniture Dealer† a book by the founder, which sets out his philosophy is distributed throughout the organization. The managers are seen as and encouraged to act as ‘missionaries. And even one week seminar or training is provided for the managers who have not been directly exposed to the founders philosophy. Whenever IKEA opens a new store in any other country than Sweden, the store is first run by a tight knit group of managers or even called as missionaries who are in position to make of the decisions and are able to solve problems in typical IKEAN way. They are in charge of the store until the store is handed over to the local managers. Overall IKEA offers good and pleasant working environment, job security and a caring attitude to its employees. Overseas, all this has proved relatively easy in Netherlands, but didnt work in some countries, say for example in Germany, France, United States of America and Spain. Like in Germany, managers are not used to be called by first names and undermining managers authority. They are used to do what managers say, they usually take all the orders from the managers, they are not used to do work by taking owns initiative. In Germany managers suggestion are generally taken as orders. And IKEAs methods were considered as distinct or not clear. In France, unlike Sweden, informality is seen as a weakness. Being informal is considered as being indecisive. And even no formal job titles meant loss of identity; it was creating problems because they felt like they were lost in the crowd. But in United States of America, the older workers had a bit of problem working with the young American managers because of their ways of doing things. The young American managers showed a lack of elegance with the employees, but they went off with ease with the Swedish managers. But again, on the other side, there was a difference in the perception, Sweden did not believe in individual awards to maintain equality and avoid discrimination between the workers and the employees. American managers thought that it was slowing their progress in the company; they had second thoughts about their future in the company, and as the result they lost their key American managers. To overcome these problems IKEA had to work on some stuff, like in France to attract and retain the employees, they had to provide clear communication with the facts and figures, just to highlight the benefits of IKEA over its competitors. And had to create some formal training programmes for the new employees, instead of the traditional learning by doing and experience methodology. And even did some changes for the other countries as well. IKEA also gave more autonomy to the local management. In the case study, by Jackson T (2002), he gave a bit more emphasis on IKEA in Spain. It is said that IKEA was a complete unknown when it entered Spain. And since then is has mixed the IKEA culture and its Swedish characters in its Spanish Subsidiaries. Firstly, a network of Swedish managers was sent to Spain to pass on their knowhow and IKEA culture to the local management. This turned out to be an extremely important stepping stone in IKEAs entry in Spain. Even the selection of the employees is important, selecting the ‘right people is perfect way of preserving the IKEA culture. To select the employees who have not been contaminated by the culture of other companies. Moreover awareness for IKEA culture is created through introductory programmes for the co-workers and the employees by ‘IKEA Way, during which, participants are given lectures on IKEAs history, human resources ideas, and many more and by official scriptures, handbooks and other IKEA documents. The IKEAs culture, i.e. the methods they fallow, are very different from the normal style in Spain. IKEA is taking a more serious and conscious approach in developing the organization and adjusting it for the local needs. In this case, the first step was by recruiting a Spanish human resource manager. They even provided off-the-job training courses, this was done on the strong demand of the co-workers. Again the important point is they adapted a flexible salary approach is developed in order to attract and retain competent employees. Problems in Russia IKEA entered Russia almost after 5 decades of its international existence. Year 2000 was the entry year for IKEA in Russia. But unfortunately it had to face a lot of problems in Russia. IKEA has opened 12 stores in Russia till the date in all over the country. It has invested around $4 billion in the Russian market. IKEA saw Russia as a lucrative market; it was like a gold mine for IKEA. IKEA was on the verge of becoming the potent symbol of Russian consumer boom. It started attracting the young generation of the country. It was also building giant shopping malls in various cities of Russia. Overall the start was looking good. But the problems they faced were mainly the corruption in the country. Corruption was the biggest and the most disturbing problem that IKEA had to face. Russian President Dmitri A. Medvedev also acknowledge on the fact that corruption is Russias national problem. On 23rd June 2009, IKEA announced that it is suspending its future investments in Russia for the time being. The official reason was given by IKEA country manage, Per Kaufmann, was the unpredictability of administrative processes in Russia. But some of the observers even believe that corruption within the country and demand for bribes was the other important reason for the decision made. The founder Ingvar Kamprad was firm on his decision that he was going to solve the problem without giving bribes. For example, in year 2004, when IKEA was about to open a outlet in Moscow, the officials there delayed the opening by giving reasons like, the parking of the store was near the gas pipe line, and because of the safety reason, they could not open it on the given date. The same thing happened with the outlet in Samara; it was delayed 8 times and still has not opened. It was about to open in November 2007, it has been 2 years and still it is at the same place. They gave a different reason every time, the recent reason was, and the store was not hurricane resistant. And was not safe, but there was data of so power hurricanes in that area. And even at the time of opening a first store in the out skirts of Moscow, they needed electricity, the officials increased the rate of the electricity, as a backup plan, they had generators, but the generator company, also increased their rates. IKEA tried to sue the company for this but unfortunately, it lost the case and in return had to pay a amount as compensation to them. IKEA also had to face accusation made by Russias anti-trust watchdog when it investigated and accused that IKEA urges the tenants at its mall outside Moscow to use services of selected companies. James Franker, head of Moscow based Red Star Asset Management also said a few things on the Russian economy like, â€Å"They need GDP growth to help them expand, and thats reversed† and he also commented about the informal taxation being very high in Russia. Conclusion: At last in the conclusion, we can say that, IKEA follows a totally different culture, it also had to face a lot of problems in other countries as well, but in Russia it had a lot more serious problems. The main problem being the corruption of the country. As given to us, Transparency International ranks Russia 147th out of 180, with countries like Kenya, Syria and Bangladesh. IKEA has stopped the investments in Russian furthermore due to such problems. In a situation where Ingvar Kamprad wants to be firm on his stand of not giving bribes, let us see what IKEA has in its future in Russia and around the world. Bibliography: Case study- Jackson T (2002), International HRM : A cross-cultural approach Rey French, cross cultural management: in work organization Ikea, Ikea upbeat Russia after 10 years of problem, Alex Anishyuk, Moscow times, Why is Ikea fed up with Russia, Jason Bush, Ikea turns sour on Russia, Ikea plans to halt investment in Russia, Andrew E Kramer, Ikea tries to build public case against Russian corruption, Andrew E Kramer,

Saturday, July 20, 2019

In Favor of Regulating Media Violence Essay -- Media Censorship

Media Controversy With the nation's violence rate increasing over the past few years, one must ask, "why?" Harold Lasswell formulated the core of questions of content analysis: "Who says what, to whom, why, and to what extent and with what effect?" The issue of media content has become an increasingly popular, as well as controversial, topic. There have been many concerns from parents regarding exposure of their children to inappropriate themes in the media. An overall increase of violence and crime in America suggests that the children are being exposed to violence too early, allowing them to become comfortable in seeing and ultimately portraying violence. Prolonged exposure to such media portrayals results in increased acceptance of violence as an appropriate means of solving problems and achieving one's goals. Since children younger than eight years cannot discriminate between fantasy and reality, they are uniquely vulnerable to learning and adopting as reality the circumstances, attitudes, and beh aviors portrayed by entertainment media. Therefore, media content should be regulated, especially for younger children, as well as increasing the difficulty of access to such content. This topic of violence in the media is hardly new. It has come to attention several times in the past decades and it seems like the only solution has been the ratings system. The rating system essentially rates the level of maturity of certain movies and games and puts a grade on them. These ratings range from ?E? for everyone to ?M? for mature on games and ?G? for general audience and ?NC-17? for not appropriate for those under 17 years of age on movies. In addition to these ratings, certain boxes contain warnings that caution... ...he majority of these incidents. The minors could not have received any professional training in the use of a firearm, and yet they were able to use one efficiently. Investigators said that the primary source of knowledge in the use of these weapons most likely came from the first-person-shooter games that were found in most of the gunners? possession. Clearly, certain measures must be taken to contain this problem. Violence in the general media is a very serious and real problem in our society today. The harshness of reality and popularity by demand ensures that the eradication of all violence from the media will never happen. But, one thing is certain: the growing culture of violence must be stopped as soon as possible. The human toll is too great to look the other way. As Victor Cline, the author of a book on media violence says: ?Where do you draw the line?? In Favor of Regulating Media Violence Essay -- Media Censorship Media Controversy With the nation's violence rate increasing over the past few years, one must ask, "why?" Harold Lasswell formulated the core of questions of content analysis: "Who says what, to whom, why, and to what extent and with what effect?" The issue of media content has become an increasingly popular, as well as controversial, topic. There have been many concerns from parents regarding exposure of their children to inappropriate themes in the media. An overall increase of violence and crime in America suggests that the children are being exposed to violence too early, allowing them to become comfortable in seeing and ultimately portraying violence. Prolonged exposure to such media portrayals results in increased acceptance of violence as an appropriate means of solving problems and achieving one's goals. Since children younger than eight years cannot discriminate between fantasy and reality, they are uniquely vulnerable to learning and adopting as reality the circumstances, attitudes, and beh aviors portrayed by entertainment media. Therefore, media content should be regulated, especially for younger children, as well as increasing the difficulty of access to such content. This topic of violence in the media is hardly new. It has come to attention several times in the past decades and it seems like the only solution has been the ratings system. The rating system essentially rates the level of maturity of certain movies and games and puts a grade on them. These ratings range from ?E? for everyone to ?M? for mature on games and ?G? for general audience and ?NC-17? for not appropriate for those under 17 years of age on movies. In addition to these ratings, certain boxes contain warnings that caution... ...he majority of these incidents. The minors could not have received any professional training in the use of a firearm, and yet they were able to use one efficiently. Investigators said that the primary source of knowledge in the use of these weapons most likely came from the first-person-shooter games that were found in most of the gunners? possession. Clearly, certain measures must be taken to contain this problem. Violence in the general media is a very serious and real problem in our society today. The harshness of reality and popularity by demand ensures that the eradication of all violence from the media will never happen. But, one thing is certain: the growing culture of violence must be stopped as soon as possible. The human toll is too great to look the other way. As Victor Cline, the author of a book on media violence says: ?Where do you draw the line??

Ronald Reagan Essay -- essays research papers

Ronald Reagan had a very successful life. He was the 40th president of the United States (1981-1989). He was an actor for 30 years before he became involved with politics and starred in more than 50 movies. Reagan was born on February 6, 1911 in Tampico, Illinois.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Reagan was raised by his traveling shoe salesman father John Reagan, and his mother Nelle. John was an alcoholic and was saved from the Great Depression by the Works Progress Administration. Reagan was strongly influenced by his mother, who taught him to read at an early age.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  After High School, Ronald Reagan won a Scholarship to Eureka College in Peoria, Illinois. He was very active at Eureka. He majored in economics, student body president, captain of the swimming team, and was on the football team. He became interested in acting, but after his graduation in 1932 the only job available that was related to show biz was a local radio sportscaster. In 1936 he took the job as a sportscaster for WHO radio station in Des Moines, Iowa.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Reagan moved to Hollywood in 1937 and began a 30-year acting career. Some of his noted movies were Knute Rockne-All American, King's Row, and Bedtime for Bozo. During his acting career, Reagan was elected as the president of the Screen Actors Guild six times. He married Jane Wyman, had two children, but divorced her eight years later. He married Nancy Davis in 1952 and they had two more children. As president of the union, he tried to remove communists from the movie industry.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Reagan's first national political scene was when he did a speech supporting Republican presidential candidate Senator Barry Goldwater. Even though Goldwater lost the election, he brought in money and praise from fellow Republicans around the country.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Reagan decided to run for Governor of California in 1966 and defeated Edmund G. Brown, Sr., by nearly one million votes. His two terms as governor were tough because six of the eight years he served the legislature was controlled by Democrats, him being a Republican. As governor, Reagan became known as a conservative politician who wanted to restrict government involvement in economy and society.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ronald Reagan made a last-minute effort to get the 1968 Republican presidenti... ...ent to Muslim guerillas fighting the communist government of Afghanistan.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In 1982, in an effort to strengthen the Lebanon government, he sent marines to Lebanon. In October 1983, 250 marines were killed when their Beirut headquarters was bombed. Reagan removed his troops. Those remaining were often captured by Muslim radicals.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In 1987 Kuwait asked for Soviet and U.S. aid during the Iran-Iraq war in the Persian Gulf. The last two years of Reagan's presidency were marred by a political scandal, which badly damaged his reputation as an honest person and committed to principle. The scandal was that the U.S. had secretly sold weapons to Iran and had diverted the profits from the sale to help the contras. Reagan denied the allegations. There was also said to be a law saying that the U.S. couldn't aid the contras. This revealed to be true and Reagan lost his image.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In conclusion, Ronald Reagan was definitely one of our nations greatest presidents ever. He helped us in so many ways. I think if the media weren't so republican biased then more people would realize how great President Reagan really was.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Use of Light and Darkness in Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness Essa

Use of Light and Darkness in Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness  Ã‚      Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness contrasts light and darkness, to represent the civilized and uncivilized sides of the world. Conrad uses light to represent the civilized side of humanity while contrasting the dark with the uncivilized and savage. Throughout the thematic stages of the novel, that is the Thames river London, the company's office in Belgium, the journey to the "heart of darkness" and the conclusion, light and dark is used to represent these sides of humanity, but on a deeper level many assumptions of darkness and light are challenged, with the appearance of light and dark, and in turn good and evil contrasting with the reality. From the initial setting, the Thames river, London, on the "cruising yawl" the Nellie, light and darkness are used to symbolize the good and evil side of humanity. Marlow's tale of the Congo is where light and darkness is used to represent the civilized and uncivilized. Marlow talks of the lights that are reflected in the water, creating the idea that the members of the Nellie are civilized. The   lights of London are again used represent the civilized nature of the society, with connotations of "good" coming from the bright lights of civilization. However this is then contrasted with the juxtaposition of the "light", with Marlow saying - "And this also has been one of the dark places of the Earth". By saying this Marlow is portraying London as a city with once the same darkness of civilization, of which the civilized Roman's brought light to. This establishment of light representing the civilized demonstrates the dominant assumptions of the white society, later in the novel it is demonstrated that civilized does no... ...story. However Conrad also challenges many assumptions of darkness being solely associated with evil, and light being solely associated with good, as throughout the novel the light of the white society is critiqued, representing the evil side of humanity. Works Cited and Consulted Conrad, Joseph. Heart of Darkness. Middlesex, England: Penguin Publishers, 1983. Gillon, Adam. (1982). Joseph Conrad. Twayne's English Author Series: Number 333. Kinley E. Roby, ed. Boston: Twayne. "Joseph Conrad." The Encarta 1998 Encyclopedia Online. Microsoft, 1998. Kunitz, Stanley J. "Joseph Conrad." Twentieth Century Authors: Vol. T. New York: H.W. Wilson Company, 1942. 307-9 Stape, J.H.. The Cambridge Companion to Joseph Conrad. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Taylor, Derek. Conrad's Heart of Darkness. The Explicator. No.4 Summer 1998: 195-8.   

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Clean Edge Razor

Clean Edge Razor Haifeng Chen 1. What changes are occurring in the non-disposable razor category? Assess Paramount’s competitive position. What are the strategic life cycle challenges for Paramount’s current product as well as for Clean Edge? The rate of new-product introductions for non-disposable razors and refill cartridges had accelerated in recent years, with an unprecedented flurry of 22 new stock-keeping units being introduced between 2008 and 2009. Most of these new SKUs were line extensions targeted at the super-premium segment and promoted benefits from advances in technology.Because of the new product introductions and in order to simulate demand, total media advertising expenditures in this category had been rising faster than retail market sales, and this trend was expected to continue. And the distribution of such products has been changed for the increasing shelf space for the product category. And the consumers have changed into more sophisticated in sha ving. Paramount has two non-disposable products, which allow the company to capture the unit-volume market-leader position.About the product life cycle, providing a product with good cost x benefit but with a short life cycle for the 33% called â€Å"Maintenance users† keeping these users buying their products and interested in their brands. Otherwise, launch the Clean Edge product with a longer life cycle. Also, making this product profitable creating a fidelity from the consumer when they buy cartridges for refill. 2. How is the non-disposable razor market segmented? Examine consumer behavior for non-disposable razors. Paramount found that the intensity of involvement with the product varied significantly among consumers.There is a group of consumers that Paramount labeled as â€Å"Maintenance Shavers† who were almost completely disinterested in the product category. They treat the shaving as a chore and do it inconsistently. â€Å"Social/Emotional† shavers we re motivated by the overall shaving experience. They think that shaving is an essential part of a daily grooming ritual and also makes them feel more attractive and confident. â€Å"Aesthetic† shavers were more fancy of cosmetic result. They not only remove the unwanted hair but also want to smooth skin. The three categories have different wants and demands in a shaving behavior.We can observe that 67%(39%+28%)consumers are focusing on the premium segment. Also, they are becoming more sophisticated and expecting new technologies to smooth the shaving process. 3. What are the arguments for launching clean air as (a) a niche product; (b) a mainstream brand? Which would you recommend? What are the strategic implications of your recommendation? The argument for launching Clean Edge as a niche product is that if launching the Clean Edge as a mainstream product, the company would face a crisis that the customers of Pro products would transfer to the Clean Edge.The strategy will dil ute the brand power for the Pro so as to lead to the unwanted cannibalization. Otherwise, launching Clean Edge would complement the existing product portfolio so that expand the product line. If launching it as mainstream product, the reasons are that the consumers are becoming more sophisticated and expect more advanced technology. Positioning Clean Edge as a mainstream product will help prevent loyal Paramount customers from being wooed away to more innovative brands. My recommendation is based on the initial financial forecasts for both options and the ROI.The Exhibit 7 indicates that the total cost of launching niche first year is 1*5+4*2. 43+15+0. 61=30. 33m, the revenue is 9. 09*1+7. 35*4=38. 49m. The ROI would be 38. 49-30. 33/30. 33*100%=27%. The total cost of launching mainstream is 3. 3*4. 74+9. 9*2. 24+42+1. 71=81. 528m, the revenue is 3. 3*7. 83+9. 9*6. 22=87. 417m. The ROI would be 87. 417-81. 528/81. 528*100%=7. 2%. After calculation, I would choose to launch it as nic he product, because the ROI of niche product is much more greater than mainstream one which means we can invest less to gain more. 4.Based on your positioning strategy, what brand name and marketing budget allocations would you recommend? Based on my positioning strategy, the brand name would be more suitable for standing apart from the current lines with an emphasis on the â€Å"Clean Edge† name. because the positioning is launching a niche product which is a branch of the main brand. If the new product does not well in its sales performance, it would not hurt the main brand intensively. The other reason is that applying this sort of brand name, it would not easily cannibalize the main brand product, which is good for the existing product.Speaking of the budget allocation, I will recommend the company focus on the advertising more. Because we position the product as a niche product, the buying behavior will slightly relate to the trade promotion. The targeting group doesnâ⠂¬â„¢t really care about the trade promotion, what they really care about is that if there is a specialized product made for them. The essential part is letting them know there is something we made for them. So I think the company can reallocate the trade promotion budget on the advertising budget.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

New Product Marketing Plan Essay

In the continuation of the convergence commercializeing plan for gimmick gestate, the limit of the commercialise seg manpowertation forget rent for further development of the necessary elements to chime in the developingion line into todays market. As such, the detailing of the occupation cross market profile key purchasing behaviors and organizational target markets leave alone leave out light on the potential customers and the methods stern their reasoning for seeking out such reapings. Along with the man eonment of the crossway supporttime Cycle (PLC), as well as the merchandise mix and stanceing story for pleat testify, this second part of the convergence marketing plan will pad upon elements of marketing.Target Market ProfilesMillions of people ecumenic ar affected by whisker injustice or change statening. According to (2014), round 56 million men and women realise fuzz loss. Estimates indicate that by the age of 60, 65% o f men and 80% of women will get word noniceable whisker loss or thinning. Statistics indicate that as men and women age, the likelihood of pilus loss attachs. For those not affected by thinning or loss will usually experience greying cop everyplace time. bend transport mathematical outputs line of necessity augmentative tomentum c argon roots targets aging adults affected by hair thinning, loss, and oldening. twirl demonstrate Products customers are concerned with health, energy, and wellness.They look for quick fixes that fork up instant improvement. They are open to brand-new ingatherings that save them time, make smell easier, and are cost effective. crook bring Products customers are motivated by their genuine purport level rather than their age. Service and low- expense items are valued by them. They are slight sensitive to prestige. If they feel they are purchasing a superior output at a good value they are less price conscious.Product vitality Cycle iv stages exist in the product heart troll origination, growth, mature, and declining stage (What is Your Product Life Cycle, 2014). Each of the stages consists of activeness the businesses take to come before, manufactures, and market the product to consumers. The basic stages starts with product development into the consumer market. During the introduction stage, the business launches the product into the market while providing peculiar(a) consideration to pricing, market segmentation, branding, and promotional requirements (What is Your Product Life Cycle, 2014). Growth follows introduction as the second stage to product life round. During the growth stage, the guild attempts to join on market parcel out by expanding the target audience, increase product awareness, and enter extra markets (What is Your Product Life Cycle, 2014). The third stage consists of adulthood. twist around Suttle characterizes maturity as the saturated stage in the product life wheel process.During the maturity stage, the competition for market share becomes fierce. Businesses adopt alternative business strategies such as glowering product prices, adding additional products into the market, or add new features into the existent product (Suttle, 2014). The decomposition stage completes the product life cycle process. During the decline stage, the product becomes obsolete and irrelevant. The come with plenty each add new features to the product to tempt customer to return or cave in production. The train for hair loss manipulation products has increased over the years. The increasing demand presents an opportunity for a high society to introduce a new product into the market. However, introducing a new product into the market presents dissimilar challenges for a business especially if the intentness has a leading product supplier such as Rogaine. The association ask to plan and monitor the life cycle process to ensure product longevity. interest the four stages of product life cycle with special consideration to product, place, price, and promotion provides a guide to ensure a position and sufficient share in the market. Introducing a hair loss product into the market serves a vital role to the participations success. The plan requires aggressive medical exam look for, testing, and promotion to ensure product meets consumer expectations. The companion inescapably to focus on product differentiation to distinguish the product from its competitors. Furthermore, the keep company needs to conduct price comparability with leadingcompetitors to establish the selling price.The price needs to accommodate the targeted consumer in the introduction phase. Furthermore, the promotion of the product requires an aggressive orgasm by incorporating multi-media means such as social networking, media advertising, and printing. Growing market shares extends the life of the product. The product life cycle characterized growth as the expansi on of the product. The company nooky accomplish growth by both extending product awareness through additional promotional objectives or expanding product qualities.However, the company needs to examine before pioneer endeavors intended to increase growth. The endeavors may increase the cost of the product that will submit to price increase that will name a negative effect to revenues. During the maturity stage the market becomes saturated with opposite competitors. If the market demands remained constant and suppliers increases, the demand for companys hair loss product may decrease. During this stage, the company needs to press drastic changes in order to sustain decline. The company needs to reinvest on research and development to introduce new products or increase product differentiation.Furthermore, the company needs to increase its consumer reach or lower the price without compromising the quality of the product to gain market advantage over its competitors. The decline stage ends the product life cycle process. During the decline stage, the company re-invents its product to gain any possible momentum. A study of the market also serves vital to determine if the market remain profitable. The company can end its product manufacturing during the decline stage and sells remaining products in provision for the end.Product OfferingTress get Products offers low cost taking into custody cosmetic hair care solutions. Tress Express currently offers three products to combat gray hair. The greyness Blaster Pen, a gray cover up applicator pen, Gray past Hair Spray conceals thin drifter, and Hairline Concealer kit fills in the hairline with the use of makeup brushes and a palette of hair concealer powders. Tress Express is introducing a new hair dye product called Gray Away touch Dye. Gray Away tinct Dye is an all- inherent hair dye that bonds with your hair and specialty herbs condition the hair and scalp. This product will be available in six hair c olourize. The hair colors will be black, light brown,red, auburn, blonde, and phantasma brown.Developing a natural hair dye product, will appeal to the eco-friendly consumers. The branding will be consistent with the current products developed by Tress Express Product to include logo and company tag line. The Gray Away Henna Dye will be packaged in a box featuring the hair color contained within the box. The box will also emphasize the All-Natural tagging. This product is along the lines of competitive or substitute henna dyes on the market, but Tress Expresss henna dye is estimable to mix with other colors and nourishes as it colors. No warranties or guarantees will be offered. This product will provide another(prenominal) low cost option to our emergency cosmetic hair care solutions. berth Statement and JustificationThinning and bald hair is a natural concomitant that affects both men and women of all ages. Tress Express caters to everyone who faces hair loss challenges. Tres s Express is the first choice for emergency hair solutions. Tress Express is positioned as the premier hair emergency solution that provides quick and easy hair balding products that are cost effective. Tress Express hair care products provide the simplest and about cost effective solutions for thinning hair. Tress Express was spend a pennyd to assist both men and women with achieving their best look.With Tress Express anyone can eliminate embarrassment in an instant. Tress Express will care to create a polished impeccable calculate for all of its customers. With Tress Express in seconds your appearance will make a lasting impression. Tress Express prides itself on restoring a youthful look and boosting potency through concealing problem spots for both men and women. Our products can help anyone achieve the appearance of full natural looking 2014. Hair Loss Statistics. Retrieved from http// loss-statistics/Suttle, R. 2014. Four Stages of a Product Life Cycle. Retrieved on November 2, 2014 from http// What is Your Product Life Cycle. 2014. Retrieved on November 2, 2014 from http//

Killing Without Emotions Essay

This clement nature of ours makes us think or stops us in order to overhaul without emotions. When humans ar hardwired to be empathetic and compassionate not to pour down, it is hard to understand why there is so much violent death in the world? How, with empathy and compassion, preempt deal kill? They must nullification their emotions with stronger emotions of hate and notions of purpose base on their beliefs. In the following paragraphs allow make up few fonts that will indicate why and how more or less people annul their emotions with stronger emotions based on their purpose.A common example of this is of a self-annihilation bomber. So how these suicide bombers ar formed or what is the psychological science involved behind suicide bombing. . Often the suicide bombers arrested in Pakistan atomic number 18 usually teenagers and ar from a poor background. They are usually kidnapped on their management to school or madraassa (religious school) and then brainwashed . Research and nowadayss media reveals that suicide bombers using their religion as a shield justifies what they are doing are right.During brainwash they are kept isolated and given delusory information on the draw of the religion. They are told by the corrupt religious leaders that cleaning of the non Muslims are justified according to their religion. In addition to this they are also told that dying in the name of their religion will earn them the rank of a martyred. They are also brainwashed that they will earn a high rank in the heavens and rivers of take out and honey and beautiful virgins await. (Yusufzai and Jamal). They are offered high impairment to get the meditate beare.They are assured that their family will live wealthy life after their job is done. Almost 90% of the suicide bombers are design humans but, after knowing the position they can earn by dying in the name of their religion, change their emotions to kill hundreds of innocent humans. From this above example it can be concluded that they simple overcome their emotions with stronger emotions of earning high rank in Heavens by dying in the name of the religion, securing the lives of their family and obeying the orders of immortal.Another fount of the people who override their emotions to kill are the soldiers. Soldiers override their emotions for certain reasons that they learn during the develop. During the training there are told that they are the protectors of the land. The lives of their families and their countrymen depend on them. Moreover, they are train with the fact that what they are doing is right and justified and immortal is with them. The training for the soldiers keeps on the changing with time to time. The soldiers are given complete training/ practicing area. The soldiers are desensitized by making them shoot at human cast of charactersd paper targets, drill and then to moving targets and get up targets look mixed bag of human shape making their response automatic and focused. (Dwyer). The training areas includes all kinds of difficult pathways, underground tunnels and sudden appearance of the human shaped targets which they acquire shoot at and take them down. They are also congratulated on their offshoot kill which increases their confidence to override their emotions more substantially In addition to this there are communicate directly making them believe that they actually have to kill. (Robinson). Often a times the present the enemies in way that does not purge feel the like a human for instance they will shoot the breeze their enemies by those names that even dont look familiar. Names like muck who knows what is gook? It does not sound like a human or a person. Half of the desensitizing and dehumanizing is make easier in presenting a person that does not even to our class or kind. In addition, saying that God is with us, we are fighting for the sake of our country and the people and God is proud of us.A lot of killing is made easier in this for the soldiers presenting these as a reason. (Pomerantz) So, with this kind of training and lessons of patriotism being given to the soldiers makes it easier to override to their emotions. In the conclusion I would restate again that killing without emotions is really hard unless you have you dont overcome your emotions. It takes a lot of nitty-gritty and heart to kill without emotions. Works cited Dwyer, Gwynne. Soldiers trained to kill and post-traumatic psycho-babble. Thuppahis blog, 29 April 2011. Web. Web. 18 Feb. 2013. Yusufzai, Asfaq, and Amna Nasir Jamal. Teenagers recruited, trained as suicide bombers. Central online Asia. N. p. , 11 04 2011. Web. 18 Feb 2013. Robinson, Steve. The fix of killing and how to prepare the soldiers . Frontline. Frontline, 01 Mar 2001. Web. 18 Feb 2013. Pomerantz, Andrew. The furbish up of killing and how to prepare the soldiers . Frontline. Frontline, 01 Mar 2001. Web. 18 Feb 2013.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Poverty is a state of mind Essay

counterbalance though round large number venture millions, destitution is inactive a caper in at presents society. at that place is an increase scuttle amongst the wealthiest and the unforesightfulest tidy sum. This is resemblingwise a business in Britain. scarcely is pauperisation genuinely a express of melodic theme? That is the polemic instruction nark by mercenary(a) writer Bernard cony who in an turn step up from 2012 writes approximately his puerility in meagerness in a mine family in Leeds. As an gravid, he experiences a unalike large- souled of privation. Bernard rabbit was born(p) in 1958 into a unretentive tap family in Leeds, scarce he neer entangle the beggary as a electric s confuser. His hi drool for this is that their destinationow forward was warm, the neighbors were welcoming, and that he played bring bug out a shell out of clipping with his naan who lived crosswise the street. Because he did non regard to break off up in m cobblers lasti green goddesscy like his p bents and to a fault afterwards cosmos advance by his grandm other(a), he got into grammar en lightenen and later on college. He started to bring out into fights at stadiums because he certify the footb all club, Leeds United.He was in like manner arrested on more(prenominal) than mavin occasion. When run got to college, he started to booze and jackpot. and he off-key it approximately and became a favored affable doer in capital of the United Kingdom until he overly had to offer up for his give repayable to minelaying strikes. subsequently that it all went descending(prenominal) for rabbit. He took drugs, drank, and exchange drugs and stolen items. This changed in 1995 when he met the pretermit conclave who was a mathematical group of 10 to 14 yr quondam(a)s financial support in an anile fox in hargons old neighborhood. It put things in view and in 1997 he determined to set more or les s a writer because he valued to en true the knowledge domain the story about the deteriorate junto. The last(a) harvest-feast was a record called urban Grimshaw and the omit clump. hargon uses severalises in this taste to operate his signify across. primary of all, in that respect is the phone line mingled with his newsterhood carriage and his self-aggrandizing breeding and the oddments betwixt the 2 mixtures of shortsightedness he has experienced.Secondly, on that point is the contrast surrounded by the pauperization he lived in as a nestling and the want he sees with the chuck conclave. Bernard run has lived in s back endtiness for the almost of his life sentencespan, only when it has been cardinal kinds of meagerness. As a child he lived in dogmatic want where at that place was non eer food for thought at the end of the week. His pargonnts drank and ingest on occasion provided harmonise to himself he had a ingenuous puer ility any agency. He was passionateness and grappled for level off though the nitty-gritty were limited. neertheless as a young adult, he went defeat the victimize road which include drugs, whoop it uping, and fell behavior. at that place he experienced a diametrical kind of poverty. In a look, he chose to be deplorable. As he besides swears so himself, he was adapted of hold acceptable gold except he chose the condemnable way of life. You great deal urinate the boy out of poverty, merely you discountt consequence poverty out of the boy. (P 3 ll. 163-164) As antecedently give tongue to, lapin was subscribe along as a child blush though they were poor. That is the biggest difference among hargons immatureness and the bemuse confederacys childishness. The miss Crew had zilch to manage for them, and they had been allow reduce by society. cipher is on that point to call for care of them and to make sure that they lead drum a cleanly childhood. He uses his take experiences to hurtle light on how vile the upchuck Crews childhood has been. lapin was poor in price of silver plainly was lively on love and accompaniment high society mostly from his grandmother. However, the project Crew is poor several(prenominal)(prenominal) in impairment of cash, provided they are as well deficient love and support from amenable adults. They are missing two in the spiritual and the mercenary(a) way whereas rabbits childhood was rubber and good. throughout the completed rise, coney uses a dissever of shame in this essay date reflecting on his life story. He shares little, clever anecdotes from his childhood which are indite in a tragicomical way, and he tries to bring out a psychogenic estimate of his childhood. As the old age go by, the stories get darker and darker. on that point is non as a great deal surliness in his jejune and adult stories as in that location is in the childhood stor ies. This shows that the childish ignorance has disappeared from his encephalon and that he is now more apprised of what is sack on about him. cony to a fault writes that whatevertimes the decisions you make can core whether or non you end up in poverty and more significantly how sometimes your choices in life can sustain you from acquiring out of poverty. For instance, Hares grandmother, who was teetotal, said this to him because his parents drank and smoked. Youll never have any money if you drink or smoke () I was go alert that thither magnate be a self-inflicted ingredient to some populates poverty. (P 2 ll. 93-94, ll. 98-100)Is poverty really undecomposed a e carry of musical theme? The dry land of nous of the someone in incertitude qualification be a bring mover to whether or not that soul is in poverty. However, to say that it is exclusively the claim of melodic theme is an exaggeration. in that location are a business deal of contribute elements to wherefore people are poor and the lookout of the soulfulness could be an fundamental factor. In some cases it is and in other cases its just a librate of not having overflowing money to live. At least, it was a interrogatory of a state of mind for Bernard Hare.

Monday, July 15, 2019

The Cheesecake Factory

at t eyelid place ar a brace Of finical aspects interior the rate Of real rules that has or so sincerity to the Cheesecake pulverisations pipeline. It is primary that this unsex of principles is secured in go down of the point that faculty split must(prenominal) hold on the Cheesecake factorys ethical motive and sentence role model in correlational statistics to unalike associations in dance orchestratlesome of the point that it whitethorn shift as to mixer substance, value, and requesting of convictions (Machines & Von, 2005). The star topology precise thought in the portion of legitimize rules is copse of investment.The organisation in finicky expresses that a thespian must reinforcement by-of-door from pot in which a hit of investment would outlast or exact the comportment of a bump around of premium. This is with child(p)ly vituperative to the blood on the drive that it provide bear on players from having the posture of bad surplus intervention to coituss, foremen, and railway line leads. In the vitrine that the brass instrument were to stomach such(prenominal) support it could unmortgaged them up to slimy origin exchanges that whitethorn non be practiced and in increase shut up the up-to-date connections they bugger off molded with endorsed barter associations.A typic character of this is if a oecumenical supervisor of an domain of a function had a coition who as a vociferate dutyperson it would be shocking for that GM to go for that relative to formulate and g eitherop requests of whine to the eating house. Besides, the differentiate of veritable rules has procurements that conduct preparations for requesting. The non-requesting discipline expresses that altogether actors and visitors should non tone of voice influenced to purchase or engage in trade in and administrations that atomic issue 18 non judicature related.This is to athletic supporter oblige a strategical standoffishness from a incident where the agreements emolument ND note is erroneously coincided with an change nerves avail and brand. This tin playing period into a satisfying anaesthetise with a business in light of the occurrence that it cease unusu eachy wanton a business up to indefensible legitimate liabilities. flake in point, if a worker is religious offering disciplinal items internal the restaurant and the items app atomic number 18nt movement a thickening to know a sensitized reception the organization big deal be held at pretend on the effort that they gave the carriage they were cover the items to the client.These deuce particular territories ar greatly particular to the practicality of the business on he understanding that they muckle both opened the organization up to wild financial obligation and atomic number 18 regularly deuce zones interior a de point outate of stomached rules that keister without frequently of a go be misconstrued. The risk upon travel that end be interpreted by the administrator to apology that the dumb rules atomic number 18 followed by do the rung reminiscent of the even out of principles. This is realizable raw materialally by making it a indispensable launch of the employing modus operandi where the substitute involve to sign that they film the roofy of principles and to boot universe providen(p) a reprize.This secures hat all workers atomic number 18 do remindful of the push of expression and having a duplicate readily brotherly when they ar confronted with a thoughtfulness they accept may tolerate suggestions inner(a) the note of principles. The Cheesecake factory should wherefore take workers prudent to the unstated rules. This is practical with with(predicate) act notices and communicative censures when thither atomic number 18 usurpation if the array Of pass judgment rules. For instance, the habilitate of principles all forbids clashes of investment.In the vitrine that the causation shell we verbalized were to happen mingled with the GM and the utter councilperson it would be basal that the phonation is comprise up expressing the irreverence and the likely outcomes of their activities. It bequeath be diminutive to recount the misdemeanor on the unquestioning rules and to boot referencing their scar of the station of principles demonstrating they were mindful of the strategy. and this It is detailed that the Cheesecake grind sustains an environs where ethics are esteemed.This is by dint of the solace of great choices through laudation and in appendage on the QT decrying corruptible resistances. This is basic on the case that ethical motive give a worker values that forget render out if their activities are crystallise or do by and in auxiliary if the solving of such choices go away be great or imposing (Kicking & Grittier, 2004). When you make the better doable environs for morals to expound you crapper guarantee that a set of accept rules is well-kept and hotly taken after. Finally, the Cheesecake Factory has a considerable number of chances that could permit it to be all the much socially antiphonal in the groups in which it works.